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Please Stop Swiping

David Tort, OKEN (ES)

HoTL Records
HOTL198DJ | 2024-02-16  
Dive into the rhythmic embrace of David Tort and OKEN's latest collaboration, "Please Stop Swiping". Following the triumph of their hit track "La Caja", this new Progressive House anthem beckons you to break free from the digital world and rediscover the primal joy of human connection.

Step away from the screens and immerse yourself in the pulsating beats on the dance floor. "Please Stop Swiping" is more than just a song; it's a rallying call to embrace the communal spirit, reminiscent of our ancestors congregating around a fire, sharing moments of peace and unrestrained freedom.

Let the music transport you to a place where the allure of music takes precedence over the constant scroll in a celebration of togetherness, urging us to revel in the euphoria of live music, where every beat resonates with the heartbeat of a united community.

Experience the fusion of David Tort and OKEN's musical prowess as they craft an electrifying soundscape that transcends boundaries, inviting you to unplug and join a gathering where the only connection that matters is the one shared through the rhythm of the music.
Join the movement. Step into the groove. It's time to "Please Stop Swiping" and start dancing to the symphony of unity and freedom.

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