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YHV569A | 2024-06-07  
"Tere Liye" by The Salvator Mundi: Immerse yourself in the timeless tale of love with this heartfelt release. "Tere Liye" embodies a love that transcends the bounds of time and distance, overcoming every obstacle in its path. Through its nostalgic melodies and passionate lyrics, the song evokes a sense of longing and dedication, promising to stay together through life's challenges. As you listen, prepare to be swept away by a whirlwind of emotions, feeling the intensity of true love that knows no bounds. Let "Tere Liye" take you on a journey through the depths of the heart, where eternal love becomes a reality.

Producer: The Salvator Mundi
Final Mastering: YHV Recordings
Publisher: YHV Music Group
Record Label: YHV Records

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